KITE Works
KITE is continuing its impactful relationship with Centennial College's Professional Writing-Communications and Photography programs. As part of the curriculum students are provided the opportunity to experience managing client relationships and work directly with industry partners to showcase the exceptional work of our researchers.
Download KITEworks Magazine in its original format here
Buddy Badge: A reliable friend that helps fight infection
Innovative device can double hand-hygiene compliance and reduce hospital-acquired infections
I believe we have entered a new era of infection where viral epidemics will be more common and antibiotic resistance will make growing numbers of bacterial infections untreatable. This might be a challenge on the scale of global warming. – Dr. Geoff Fernie

Uncovering the Mysteries of Sleep
These two KITE scientists are devoted to finding solutions that improve sleep health for all
Everyone needs sleep, but why is it so important? And how much do we really understand about it?

KITE's Dementia Isolation Toolkit played pivotal role during pandemic
Toolkit's timely release helped long term care homes safely and effectively isolate people living with dementia
The structure and support at KITE gives us the confidence – Dr. Andrea Iaboni

The Brain and Body Connection
Dr. Cesar Marquez-Chin explores remarkable technology to help rehab patients
My passion is to help people. Science, tech, engineering are just the vehicles I have chosen to do that. – Dr. Marquez-Chin

The Innovation Gallery: A Display of Integrated Care
An interview with Mary Lam about the Innovation Gallery, COVID-19 and KITE's mission
The Storyworks team sat down with Lam to learn more about the Innovation Gallery, its purpose at KITE and the potential impact on its intended audience.

The Healing Power of a Smile
Dr. Milos R. Popovic and team study markers of a genuine smile, and how stimulating them can influence mood
Patients know they are coming to an institution where they feel safe and comfortable. – Dr. Popovic

Behrang Keshavarz: The Man in Motion
KITE Scientist Behrang Keshavarz leads his team on a quest to understand and minimize motion sickness.
Everything that's visual has to be perceived. And the perception, at some point, can cause negative side effects

KITE is continuing its impactful relationship with Centennial College's Professional Writing-Communications and Photography programs. As part of the curriculum students are provided the opportunity to experience managing client relationships and work directly with industry partners to showcase the exceptional work of our researchers.
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